Friday, January 9, 2009

FREAKy friday recap

Yabai had an official meeting tonight that was mostly about Colors 
issue with local Motorcycle gangs and what not. so we have decide to either reprint with different ink so black on green or black on not sure some one can jump in if im wrong. 

in attendence to both the meetin and freaky friday was Ryaon, hammer beard, .steve, DEREKK! brit, lucie and sarah. 

we found some stuff at all the locations. also ryaon tried to grab a fl flag from some shop but that didnt work so swell.

any way we came up with around 3or4 rear 26' wheels some tires. a huge straight bar with an attached quill and soem more straight bars. all en all it was a fun time. I myself was super happy that i could come out because i havent been able to come out becuase of work issues. 

any way much love



Shleppin Deckle said...

Oh yeah and Derek was there...

jon beard said...

fuck yah derek was there. all up in that shit

Anonymous said...


Rapevan said...

wow I sure wish I could have came. I didn't know there was going to be an a meeting or anything. Have there been more problems with local gangs?

Unknown said...

I think the local MC issue is bullshit. Don't let them dictate how you guys act.

Anonymous said...

the only reason why we had to talk about this at the meeting is becuase of the bullshit and the chances of some sort of retaliation.