Tuesday, July 20, 2010



As you all may well have noticed, this blog has been largely inactive. I've recently re-posted some statements and news articles about the state of the legal battle between Orlando Food not Bombs and the City of Orlando. These topics are pretty near and dear to me, and several other members of YBC and I hope they didn't throw anyone off hoping to scope siqq tarck bike pron. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

That said, there's scheduled to be a protest at City Hall to coincide with the city council meeting on Monday, July 26th at Noon. In case you're unfamiliar, city hall is located at South St. and Orange Ave, downtown.

Would we like to make a distinct presence? Who can make it?



Anonymous said...

I'll be there.

jon beard said...

it would be nice if someone could provide links to the pictures from the protest